Home / Data exports / CSV exports
CSV exports
Product data in CSV format
As a partner, you can obtain data exports from us in CSV format. We will make the following CSV exports available to you via FTP as required:
- Product data including product prices
- Stock levels
- Product image URLs
If you are interested, please complete the request for electronic services and send it to us:
«Request for electronic services»
Product data including product prices
The export "ArtikelPreisdatenV2.csv" is available for Alltron, BRACK.CH and Jamei in German and French. It is regenerated each day at 4:30 a.m. and placed in your FTP directory:
- Character set: UTF-8
- Header: YES
- Quotation marks: NO
- Separator: TAB
Download sample «ArtikelPreisdatenV2.csv»
Field name | Description |
Artikelnummer 2 | SKU |
Artikelnummer | Internal item number |
Bezeichung | Product description 1 |
Bezeichung 2 | Product description 2 |
Lagerbestand | Current stock level in pieces |
Gewicht | Weight in kg |
Preis (inkl. MWSt) | Item price in CHF including VAT |
Preis (exkl. MWSt) | Item price in CHF excluding VAT |
WWW-Link | URL for product detail page |
Webtext | Product name |
Webtext 2 | Item short text concatenated |
Herstellernummer | Manufacturer’s item number |
Hersteller | Name of the manufacturer |
MWST Satz | Tax rate for the item |
UVP | Recommended retail price including VAT |
Garantie | Manufacturer warranty in months |
Erfassungsdatum | Item has been online since |
Kategorie 1 | Name of product world |
Kategorie 2 | Name of category level 2 |
Kategorie 3 | Name of category level 3 |
Kategorie | Name of category |
EAN-Code | EAN code of item |
Lieferdatum | Delivery date of item |
Ausverkaufsartikel | Yes / No |
Stock levels
The "LagerbestandV2.csv" export is available for Alltron and BRACK.CH item data. It is regenerated on an hourly basis each day from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and placed in your FTP directory:
Please note that EOL items that are no longer in stock are not included..
- Character set: UTF-8
- Header: YES
- Quotation marks: NO
- Separator: ;
Download sample «LagerbestandV2.csv»
Field name | Description |
Nummer 2 | SKU / Item number |
Lagerbestand | Number of items in stock |
Product image URLs
The "bilder-urls.csv" export is available for Alltron and BRACK.CH item data. It is regenerated each day at 8 a.m. and placed in your FTP directory:
- Character set: UTF-8
- Header: YES
- Quotation marks: NO
- Separator: ;
Download sample «bilder-urls.csv»
Field name | Description |
SKU | Item number |
BildUrl | URL for the item’s main image |